Walk-in registrations are welcome! Registrations will open at 7am on Saturday!
The Captain Jason Jones Memorial Foundation will host the Flag Day 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile fun run on Saturday, June 8 starting at 8 am at the Orwigsburg Memorial Building. The race will start and finish at the Orwigsburg Memorial building. This is a wheel measured 5KM (3.1 mile) run/ walk thru Albright’s Woods and using the walking paths around BMMS and BMEE. The course is mostly flat with one hill. The 1 mile Fun Run is on Grove Street, starting and ending at the Memorial.
AWARDS 5K Run- Top Overall Male and Female; Top 3 Males and Females in each Age Group Age Groups: 14& Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & Over
5K Walk- Top Overall Male and Female 1Mile Fun Run/Walk- Top Overall Male and Female, ribbons for all participants
Register online today! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/captain-jones-memorial-flag-day-5k-tickets-59252014370
5K Run/Walk- Pre-registration is $20 (includes t-shirt) until May 29
$30 after May 29 (limited t-shirt availability) ****online registration closes Wednesday May 29*****
1 Mile Fun Run- Pre-registration $10 thru May 31; Additional family members $8/each thru May 29; children 3 & under are FREE
After May 29 all Fun Run participants $15/each
**All Fun Run participants get an American Flag Bandana
Not interested in running, but want to still be part of the special day? Sponsor the race!